Special thanks to the Master of Hitech Narxz for mastering this track. I would also like to thank the awesomeness of Quentin Tarantino’s movie Pulp Fiction and their intro soundtrack called ‘Pumpkin and Honey Bunny’ from Misirlou. Last but not the least, I got the the ‘Mumbai rap’ lyrics from the amazing rap star ‘Bohemia’….forgive me bro
During the composition of this track I drifted into my childhood dreamy world of Aladdin. Hopefully you will also enter a magical place
Genres are a pain..Whatever Hitech | Hightech | Darkpsy | Psytrance | Psychedelic Trance Music | Spiritual Hitech
Drop shop
Am I gonna pop
Coz’ the rolling & the blazin’ never stops
I’m on Cryptonite
I’ve got nothing to hide
Coz’ I’m muthafuckin’ high on these beats tonight
Nice to know, talking slow
The universe knows
Chillin’ with the friends who feel the flow
It’s the way it is, whatever it is
Together we rave
In the fields of Dope
Ravin’ in the fields of Dope
There are questions on my mind, I know
The answers in this lifetime
Which I’m never gonna find
It’s a mystery
And I pray to the lord for some wisdom-ry
Bliss for me
Looking back
Time, slipping away from my fists
In my sleep I will die, till I’m born again
Born as king, of a new world, of a new star
And I’m gonna trance again
Mastering: Narxz:
Video : Fabenfro.trippyart:
Album Art: P.R.K Art :
Music by: Rajju Baba @rajjubaba
℗ © 2021 Portal Gunn Records
I’m a simple man, a poet, a painter from Meerut living in Austria. Respect to all the other Psytrance and Hitech artists and Namaste to the community. I’m not competing with anyone, I’m just painting my feelings and fulfilling my personal life goals. Apologies if anyone is hurt.
Music by Rajju Baba
Soundcloud: @rajjubaba